What Are Acoustic Ceilings?

What Are Acoustic Ceilings?

Acoustic ceilings

Acoustic ceilings performance is crucial in many rooms and spaces where a suspended ceiling is often utilised. Excellent acoustics are needed for productivity and creativity in workplaces, homes, and educational settings.

Acoustic ceiling tiles are suspended tile systems that hang on your room’s ceiling using individual tile panels of sound-absorbing material. Different types of ceiling tiles are available in various textures, designs, and functionalities. The acoustic requirement will vary depending on the room’s purpose; a call centre, for example, will have different priorities acoustically than an office space situated next to a working factory or a school located at the heart of a busy city.

It is generally believed that acoustic ceiling tiles are made with cheap mineral fibre materials, which were prevalent in the past for noise reduction uses. However, with advanced technology, innovative designs, and new materials, modern acoustic ceilings can work both as an aesthetic and functional feature.

Acoustic and environmental improvement

The acoustic level and comfort in a public space, home office, or classroom contribute to our general well-being since poor acoustic performance can hinder communication, concentration, productivity, and comfort. This is why acoustic ceilings are trending as a must-have feature for homes and various working sectors. Acoustic ceilings are widely used in schools, offices, music studios, and other commercial buildings. It is also popular amongst musicians who want to practice their instruments at home or in other professions that require noise isolation.

Benefits of acoustic ceilings

  • Improve the overall sound quality of a room
  • Contribute to the comfort and health of occupants
  • Design flexibility that can adapt to existing room designs
  • Aesthetic appeal can complement studios and workspaces
  • Wide selection of materials and features

Sound absorption properties

Essentially, this property deals with the reverberation of sound within a space. Naturally, the sound will disperse as it travels but reflects in a similar light. For example, if a person’s voice reaches a floor, wall or ceiling, some of that sound will be reflected back into the space. Soft materials used in acoustic tiles will absorb some of this energy, which prevents the cause of echoes and sound dissonance.

Ceiling tile ratings – Which one should you pick?

Any ceiling tile will provide a capable sound barrier between a room and the space above it. Although, specialist products with superior acoustic properties will do better for soundproofing or sound absorption.

All tiles will have different ratings, and manufacturers have categorised them in classes ranging from A to E where class A has the highest level of sound absorption. As a general rule of thumb, it’s preferable to choose a class C tile or above since most public spaces like classrooms require this as a minimum.

Why choose Granmore for Acoustic Ceilings?

Here at Granmore, we stock a range of high-performance acoustic ceiling products that can deliver excellent acoustic performance and comfort whilst creating an aesthetically pleasing environment for any occupants. Our product range includes various materials with different performance levels that cater to your technical needs and wants. Contact us today on 0800 074 5005 for enquiries and product assistance.

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